2010-12-17 11:52 von Aesthetiker-Office

Tell Ä Vision New Show: Chaos

Hi Folks,

this ganna be our last Tell Ä Vision show for a little while. So this means if you like this shit keep watching it, so that our number of views will rise. A high number of views will convince us to stick our heads together to create something new in our Tell Ä Vision department again. So enjoy the new Äpisode called choas. Push the button again and again to watch this show. eeööhhh

2010-12-15 19:00 von Aesthetiker-Office

good times feat. Go Pro

the Ä nation is covered white all over and we have the chance to draw our first lines. Steve did so first a usual and brought this little sequence back to the office to make us jealous.

2010-12-10 13:04 von Aesthetiker-Office

TEll Ä Vision New Show: SPRING TIME

2010-12-09 09:59 von Aesthetiker-Office

FLIP feat. Ästhetiker product of the week

Lookin Dope!

For all of you who been checking out the brandnew Ästhetiker Felt Jacket and have been wondering what they might look like wearing it; here´s some video-proof from the postcode 4020, that you would bee lookin dope, just like Flip in the "Problem Remix" video: